Friday, May 22, 2020

Training and Development Task 2 Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Policies for Elements of Performance Evaluation Observation leads to routine analysis of the performance quality of the workers for the assigned job. The observation policy to be maintained by the construction company would be the observation and commitment policy having the purpose of determining the duties performed by the workers, the level of training given by the company to its workers and supervisors, whether the training meets up with the requirement of the training and also analysis of the observation process as to its fair assessment. The supervisor would maintain a commitment policy of on time attendance and arrival of the workers to the construction site. The supervisor would observe the hours of work done by each worker. The performance quality and efficiency maintained by the workers and even their behavior in the work environment would be evaluated by the supervisor in the observation policy. The ability to take instructions, completion of work on specified time, amount of work done per day and the effective workin g in a team are the other factors to be analyzed in the observation policy. Benchmarking would be done to evaluate the performance of the workers. Coaching builds trust among the management and the employees as well as initiates in creating the standards for the employees performance to achieve organizational goal (Pollitt, 2013). We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Development Task 2 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The coaching policy includes staff development where the managers or coach of the construction company would enable contacting with the staff to motivate them to join the policy and evaluate the necessary development needed to take place. On mutual cooperation the policy norms would be executed, evaluating the workers and their performance efficiency. Further motivation would be given by the coach on skill development through training. The supervisor of the construction company would implement staff development policies for coaching the workers by providing them information about their roles and responsibility during the work process. Mentoring would deal with allocation of resources, specification of the time involved in completion of work, motivating them to increase performance efficiency, achieving high quality output with provided resources. The mentor would convey the benchmark set by the company to the workers to influence them to excel in th e work assigned. The safety standards would also be evaluated in the working standards of the construction company Feedbacks are both sided. One is the employee feedback and the other is the supervisor feedback.

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